10 injured in Benighat Bolero Accident

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मङ्लबार, साउन २२, २०७५

Aug 7, Dhading

10 people injured in a Bolero jeep accident in Benighat rorang rural municipality-5, Benighat on Tuesday.

According to Dhading district police office, a jeep (Ba 13 Cha 7701) was heading towards Gorkha from Benighat.

Among the injured, the condition of three is critical. They were identified as 35-year old Madhu Pantha, 45-year old Ekmaya Thapa Magar and 35-year old Benimaya Shrestha from Gandaki-5, Gorkha. Those three were taken to Trauma Canter Kathmandu for treatment. And the rest 7 were taken to Rajmarga Hospital Malekhu as reported by district police office.

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