Taking Corona Virus (COVID-19) Positively

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मङ्लबार, चैत्र १८, २०७६

Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak has created terror in human mind across the world right now. It has been a great threat to whole human existence. Even the so called most powerful countries like China and the USA are found surrendering to the virus. These countries boast that they have spacecrafts and nuclear weapons; however, they are feeling fragile and exhausted. Now, there are638,146 confirmed cases, 30,039 confirmed deaths and 203 countries have been directly affected by t he virus. Recently, the two terms ‘Quarantine’ and Isolation are very common to the people.

Everything has its pros and cons. The pessimists might have been predicting that the Corona Virus (COVID-19) will bring a great loss to human existence but how will optimists perceives the virus as? Optimists always anticipate that something is going well.  It means, Is Covid- 19 doing well to the world? Exactly not. However, there are a few changes we are noticing in the world which help us to see the virus positively.

Refreshing the Earth

The earth, right now, is somehow refreshing itself. The vehicles are shut down. People are in their homes. People are seen posting magnificent pictures of cities and the hill on social Medias. The atmosphere is visibly clear. The wind is cool and clean. Scientists say that the Ozone layer is regaining its wholeness, no coughs, no more respiratory and eye diseases. In fact, the earth is going green and clean this is what we need to live a healthy and happy life.

Humanity is More or Less Back

We could hardly experience humanity among people before Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak. But, what people are doing right now is helping each other. The kind-hearted are helping the needy with food stuffs and other necessary equipments. Most importantly, the doctors and the health assistants are working round the clock to save the people from Corona Virus (COVID-19). Previously, everyone seemed indifferent to others sufferings.

Away from Hectic Life

Those who had hectic lifestyle are spending their days leisurely at the time. The hustle and bustle has gone. The people have, at least, time to ponder about the past, present and the future. Recently, people look very nostalgic to their innocent past and posting their childhood photographs and the like. Now, people have time to observe the kitchen and the bedrooms, see the hills and starry nights.

Good Time with Family

Those who were running after the money blindly, now, have a good time with family. Those who would leave home for work early in the morning and come back late night have a good time to share the things and to know the whole family closely. The children would hardly see their parents and talk to them previously. The very thing would happen in case of parents too. But, now, all the members are coming together for everlasting harmony. Those who are in abroad also are frequently in contact with family. Probably, this thing never happened before.

Flourishing Creativity in Children

Every child is distinct and should be. Now, the schools are shut down and scholars are very much worried about their education and future and suggesting doing this and that during the lock down which all are rubbish. We are still advocating the formal education which John Holt in his essay ‘SCHOOL IS BAD FOR CHILDREN’ says school is jail-like and the children are like prisoners. We are imprisoning the children advocating the formal education. We tell them what to do and what not to do every day. They imitate the same which is similar to the function of computer ‘ Copy and Paste’. What I suggest all the parents is ‘let the children do whatever they like. Let them draw, let them play music, let them read fiction, let them experiment, let them tell the stories, let them see the starry nights, let them see the green hills if possible, let them dance and the like. Do not nag them all the time. You can observe how happy your child is right now.

Strengthening the Patience

People never had patience before Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak. Even, the people didn’t have the patience to wait the traffic light while driving. This lock down has taught the people to wait for the right time to go for certain thing. Rush and impatience makes the things worse. People might be suffocated spending all the day and night at home; however, patience converts the nasty into delightful. And, this is the most important thing to combat Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak.

Considering Nature is Absolute

Now, people are considering nature is absolute which they never realized previously. Nature is everything and almighty. If nature fights back, no humans and their inventions can resist it. The same thing has been proved by Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak. This is a natural calamity which is threatening the humans across the world.  People are learning that we they should protect the nature to protect their existence.

It is true that Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak is haunting the humans across the world and killing a large number people. However, if people didn’t spoil the earth and the resources, if people were patience, if people considered nature as an absolute, if people practiced whole humanity and if people pondered profoundly about their existence, certainly,   Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak would  not take place in this world. They would have a relaxed and delightful life.

-Krishna Thapa, M. Phil in English